Urging all religions to work together for peace and justice, Pope Francis meets religious leaders from around the world, including non-Catholic Christians, Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist delegations, at the Vatican a day after his inaugural Mass.
To my Protestant brothers and sisters in the One Body of the Lord, I wish you a Happy Reformation Day. We remember today the nailing of the 95 Theses by the Reverend Father Martin Luther on the door of Wittenburg.
Up to this day, I'm still often being asked why I decided to return to the fold of the Roman Catholic Church. It has been my practice, out of respect for the right of conscienable choice of others, to never try to persuade anyone to agree that my choice to return to Rome was correct. We approach the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18-25 January 2011). Below is an article published by UCANews on 19 January 2011 based on some questions they had asked me through correspondence some months ago
UCANews - 19 January 2011 |
December 2021