As many of you know, I tend to be rather busy and have little time to write about myself. Even when I can find time to write, I'd much rather write on matters that relate to the teachings of the Church than about myself. But it's usually a custom for me, as we approach the end of each year, to write something on the year that has been. The purpose of this exercise is to evaluate the extent to which I have lived my life responsibly and fruitfully in service of God and neighbour; to discern if I have loved well with my life. We are approaching the third year of a raging pandemic that has affected people in many different ways, good and bad. These past two years, despite the halt in my routine travels around the region and beyond, have been eventful, to say the least. To express my thoughts and feelings about my experiences in totality this past year would be to attempt the impossible. It might be best to just highlight some important milestones from various parts of the year leading to this Christmas season. 1) SYSTEMATIC WRITING ON THE CATHOLIC FAITH This is not the end of the writing project. I'm currently in the midst of expanding and further elaborating this series into a properly published book that will consist of three volumes. I hope to complete the writing by the end of 2022, and I hope that it will be my magnum opus. I haven't yet decided on the title of the book. 2) TRAINING OF PARISH CATECHISTS 3) DEMISE OF MY SPIRITUAL FATHER
5) TEACHING SPIRITUALITY AND THEOLOGY 6) BRINGING JESUS TO THE HOMES These are just some highlights that roughly reflect how my year has been spent. The year is just about over. In the person of the late Cardinal Sim, I have shared in the devastations of those who have experienced loss in various forms throughout the year.
We are on the verge of stepping into 2022, another year of struggling with realities of the pandemic. I am pensive: grateful to the Lord for bringing me and my family and companions through a fruitful year, and for ensuring that our needs were provided for sufficiently. I'm also thankful to the Lord for the companions He has brought into my life to help, strengthen, and enable me to do what He invites me to do for His People. At the same time, I'm concerned (albeit not worried) if we will witness the end of the ongoing pandemic in the coming year. Whatever the case may be, there must be confidence that He never leaves us unaided. The Lord has brought us through these past two pandemicised years, and He will faithfully bring us through the next year. Our work remains to be faithful to the little portions He has set aside for us to do. My plans for 2022 have been laid out as I prayed and reflected contemplatively in the past week: and I am ready to begin the new year. But first, I need a short break after this long post.
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